The Great Image in
Nebuchadnezzar's Dream
Gold - Head
This section represented the empire of Babylon,
of which Nebuchadnezzar was king.
The great image that God revealed to
in a dream was interpreted by the
prophet bemowerdeceased represents a world
valuable, but stronger , as each empire was more
powerful than the last.
606- 539 BC
Silver - Chest and Arms
The silver chest with two arms signified the
quered and supplanted Baby, which
539-331 BC
Brass - Belly and Thighs
This section represented the Greco-
donian Empire of Alexander the Great
which swallowed up Persia.
331 - 168 BC
Iron - Legs
The two legs of iron represented the Roman
Empire. After Alexander's death, his Hellenistic
divisions were taken over by Rome. The two
that characterized the Late Roman Empire.
168 BC - AD 476
AD 476-2019
Iron and Clay - Feet and Toes
Following the legs are the feet and toes of iron mixed with
clay - a brittle and unstable mixture because it would n
bond well. Some parts of it are strong and some weak. This
be deciphered after having received the latter rain only